2024/02/02 - Starting Off

Welcome to my first post where I'll be documenting the progress for my conlanging project.

I should probably start off by saying that conlanging (the artform of constructing languages) is a hobby of mine that I have been pursuing for many years now. I started working on my first conlangs over twelve years ago, but have only been studying linguistics formally for six or seven years, the number depending on whether you count the English-focused linguistics class I did in high school, which admittedly was a much truncated, dumbed down version of what I later studied in university.

I have enjoyed studying linguistics more so in university, where I even had a class where I got to make a conlang. Said conlang wasn't the best, but it set the higher standard for my more recent projects. I have then gone onto further post graduate studies in linguistics. Presently, at the time of writing this page, just starting my Doctor of Philosophy in Arts, where I will be documenting a whole language and writing a grammar.

This is to say that I am relatively experienced with conlanging and linguistics, though not as much as some of the better known conlangers you've probably heard of if you found this site. In terms of my experience creating conlangs, I have created a few which I may share in part or whole on this site, but I am not that keen to focus on them, as I am wanting to try and work on this new project. Of the previous conlangs, the ones that I have shared on Reddit, Yaimon and Pazè Yiù, are in my opinion, decent conlangs, but neither had the detail or comprehensive development I've always desired out of a conlanging project.

So, with that out of the way, I'd like to give my goals for the project, which will define the constraints and ideas that I have and upon which I will build the project. Now, the general goals for the project are distinct from the goals for the conlang, so I'll get them out of the way first.

These goals are:

Now more specifically, the goals and ideas for this conlang I have are, divided by category:

Phonology & Phonoaesthetics Grammar Culture & Context

This basically covers all the goals I have for my conlang. Unfortunately, I have yet to bring any of these ideas to fruition. The first step, as one might expect, is to design the ancestor language's phonology and grammar.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the journey!

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